I ate some cake today

3 min readSep 2, 2024

I didn’t even want it

Photo by NastyaSensei: https://www.pexels.com/photo/chocolate-cake-slices-2267868/

As I was browsing in the coffee shop, asking the server to tell me the different flavours, I didn’t want cake.

The flavours were pretty standard coffee shop fare — lemon and poppy seed, blondie, carrot cake — nothing exciting. They looked pretty.

My ‘sophisticated’ (cake-loving) palate has learned that pretty doesn’t mean they taste good so I try and make sure I have a proper think when presented with something good-looking and consider whether it looks like it’s been well made also.

With this step quickly stepped (I basically trust this establishment to have decent food) I noted the feeling in my mouth of sweetness. I’d been vaping on my way to the shop and had residue flavour.

I didn’t need or want anything sweet.

Nevertheless I ordered my coffee and the pretty carrot cake loaf with unctuous piped buttercream and cute purple flowers.


Possible reasons:

  1. habit, it’s just the rhythm of getting coffee, cake is usually part of the equation
  2. low-energy — evolution has programmed my cells to crave sweet stuff to boost flagging energy levels (of course consciously I know I’m well-fed and not in need of more food. I guess I was too tired to override evolution)




Observations of people and life through an autistic lens.