My next kinky step

4 min readDec 18, 2023

reflections since my first Munch

Six beer taps receding in focus towards a blurry window to daylight
Photo by Pixabay:

This is a paragraph from my first article about my journey back into kink:

“Kink is still me and I am still kink, I love talking about the creative ways humans find to entertain themselves and express themselves, and I don’t really go in for taboos, so finding a community that is sex positive, understands consent (and therefore presumably is less infiltrated by unconscious misogyny) and is accepting are the foundations I wish to grow my social life on.”

I like it as a sort of manifesto of what I’m doing and why. It also introduces some reflection points.

Debriefing my first Munch

The person I was originally going to meet outside the venue — the woman I met the week before — ended up changing her arrival time so I was put in touch with someone else in the group and met her downstairs in the bar. We got a drink and went upstairs to the meeting room.

We chatted a bit about therapy and what we thought about the community. Soon a couple joined us. They had been together three weeks and had been introduced by the woman I was chatting with. Kind people, funny and easy to talk/listen to.

The four of us sat around a table and got to know each other a little, sharing stories of neurodivergence, work and time spent on…




Observations of people and life through an autistic lens.